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Happy Breathing by William Bloom

1 February, 2019 Alexandra 0

Please don’t be shocked by this question: what is the connection between poo and nirvana? Or to put it another way, what is the connection between the state of your gut and spiritual wisdom? If […]

Practicing Peace of Mind

5 June, 2014 Vicky 0

Most of us walk around with pains and tension in our bodies. We may think of this as normal or natural or just part of aging. But it’s possible to move freely without tension if […]

How to Meditate with Colour

5 June, 2014 Vicky 0

The wonderful phenomenon of colour constantly surrounds us: in nature, in the colours of flowers, foliage and trees as they change through the seasons; in the plumage of birds; in the translucent colours of gemstones […]

Change Your Story, Change Your Life

24 April, 2014 Vicky 0

Shamans believe we have a luminous energy body that surrounds and infuses the physical body. What happens in the luminous body affects what happens in the soul, mind, emotions, and physical body. So, after opening […]

Pilates for Respiratory Health

24 April, 2014 Vicky 0

As we age, we may experience changes that affect our lungs, which can then limit the activities of daily life. These changes may be due to the late onset of asthma, or the development of […]