    Posted by Gill Edwards
    9 July, 2010



    1. You are invited to love yourself, others and life without condition – trusting that, in an evolving Universe, everything is unfolding perfectly.
    2. You are invited to do whatever makes your heart sing and your spirit dance.Only that.
    3. You are invited to live fearlessly and passionately – to step into your divinity, while embracing your humanity.
    4. You are invited to treat yourself and others with extraordinary respect and kindness – reaching out with love towards all beings, and seeing the Light within everyone.
    5. You are invited to honour everyone else’s beliefs, feelings, values and choices – knowing these add to the variety of life, and that everyone’s path or guidance is unique.
    6. You are invited to honour the earth, your body and all creation as sacred and divine – and to celebrate life in all its richness.
    7. You are invited to choose your own mission or purpose, expressing your creative gifts, talents and vision in whatever way feels most joyful.
    8. You are invited to listen to the inner voice of Love, which always sets you free – knowing that your goodness and worthiness are never in question, and that you can do no wrong.
    9. You are invited to trust in a loving and abundant Universe. Ask and it is given. Seek and ye shall find. Knock and the door shall be opened.
    10. You are invited to follow your dreams and desires – trusting your feelings, and using your imagination, to create your own heaven on earth.

    From Life is a Gift,  Copyright 2007 by Gill Edwards, published by Piatkus.

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