Dear Friends,
Thank you!!! For your ideas and help of all kinds, and for your thoughts of solidarity, love and healing. Your kindness is making a huge difference to us as we find our way through the metamorphosis we’re experiencing at the moment, and I continue my journey with cancer.
Before a caterpillar can become a butterfly, it first has to let go of all the old, familiar patterns. It wraps itself in a cocoon, and then gently allows itself to be dissolved into a kind of ‘soup’, from which, incredibly, a winged being will emerge when the time is right.
Well, we feel like that caterpillar at the moment! Wrapped safely in the love of so many friends, visible and invisible, Geoff and I are pupating, letting go of as much old stuff as we can, to make space for the unknown. And, though being turned into caterpillar soup feels very bewildering sometimes, deep down we know we are utterly safe and protected, cocooned in the knowledge that everything is perfectly choreographed, to make space for the new. So, like the caterpillar, we’ve stopped running around, looking for food, and are simply resting, waiting.
And as we rest, the new dream is being born. A dream not yet clear to our conscious minds, but into which I know your prayers for us all, and your ideas for Cygnus, will be woven.
Meanwhile, as an outward sign that this inner process has begun, we’ve made a start on changing the look of the Cygnus Review – just to bring a bit more light into the cover design, and a bit more clarity into the interior, so that it’s easier for you to see at a glance what is on each page. Also, in response to a comment made by many of you, we’ve already brought more variety into our range of books, and into the features we’ve included for you to read.
Two new Cygnus book club editions
The book we’re especially excited about is Andreas Moritz’s Cancer is Not a Disease – It’s a Survival Mechanism. This book made such a huge difference to the way Geoff and I felt about the illness, that we wanted to share it with all of you. It blew away the cobwebs of fear that every cancer patient or carer is likely to feel sometimes, however profound their trust in the process, and answered some very deep questions we had about cancer, that we just hadn’t been able to find answers to in any of our other reading.
Which brings us to the other book by Andreas Moritz which we have for you this month: The Amazing Liver and Gall Bladder Flush. This book explains how the liver can become clogged up with little stones that don’t show up on ultrasound, and what we can do about it.
Now we believe the liver to be the gate keeper of our whole being, not just in a physical sense, but in an emotional and spiritual sense too. Whatever the liver accepts remains in the body. Whatever the liver rejects has to leave. When functioning as it should, it speaks a simple language: ‘Yes – no. Keep – let go.’ But what happens when we do not tell ourselves the truth about what we want and what we do not want, or about who we are and who we are not? Or we do not let ourselves know when some choice or pattern of behaviour that used to serve us, doesn’t serve us any longer? Or when we are conflicted or confused about these things? Well the liver has no option but to follow our instructions. So it gets conflicted too. Hence the blockages, which Andreas Moritz says prevent the liver from ridding the body effectively of toxins.
No blame, just clarity
So that’s why I’ve decided to treat all the various techniques of physical detoxification I am using at the moment as very sacred processes, approaching them with due ceremony and calling on all the powers and beings I regard as holy and helpful to witness, support and guide me as I allow into my conscious awareness what I no longer need in my mind and life, and to let it all go along with the physical toxins that are being released.
At the same time, I’m remembering that no butterfly gets to spread its wings without having been a caterpillar first. In other words, everything I have done, everything I have been, everything that brought me to this point, was perfect and good, and I’m thankful for it. It’s just that now, the time for the new has come. That’s all. No blame. No judgement. Just clarity.
And that’s the thought we’d like to leave you with this time, as it’s the one which needs to overlight every healing process, even at moments when we feel we’re being turned into caterpillar soup!: Take a swan’s-eye view! From high up there, you can see clearly that there’s no such thing as a mistake. You are whole and complete, just as you are. Part of a beautiful tapestry, unfolding in the hands of the divine Weaver. See yourself in your perfect purity. You are blessed – all-ways.
With much love from all of us,
Ann, Geoff, Sarah, Martyn and the Cygnus Team
Our Regular Contributors
To allow space for a wider variety of articles, our regular contributors will be writing in every other issue from now on. This month we have messages from Pierre and Maddy. William and Diana will be back next month.