Slaying the three dragons

Posted by Cygnus Team
15 March, 2011

When we want to reactivate our motivation, we need to examine the following:

    • What do I want?
    • What do I wish for?
    • What do I value?
    • What do I need?
    • What do I enjoy?
    • What do I understand? and, especially,
    • What do I love?

When we sit down and reflect on the answers to these questions, then these reflections become the basis for activating new insights and new tasks, and for reactivating those insights and tasks, which we have forgotten to pay proper attention to and, consequently, haven’t developed properly. Throughout life it is necessary, from time to time, to stand back, become silent, and redefine, re-evaluate, and experiment, over and over again, with what we know, or what we think we know. It is a simple exercise which, if done sincerely, stimulates newness in our thoughts and in our motivational pattern.

Therefore, to change or widen my pattern, I need to:

    • Redefine
    • Re-examine
    • Reorient
    • Relearn
    • Then newness, creativity, and quality are generated.
    • Successful motivation depends on having a clear aim.
    • Materialistic motivation is based on ambition, competition, and a desire for position. We often believe we cannot succeed without these, and so we think and act on the basis of these values. The results often include conflict, fear, attachment, jealousy, possessiveness, and overidentification of the self with a role, a position, which makes us feel threatened by anyone who is more talented or more praised. For example, when motivation is materialistic, there is always the fear of loss that, in turn, creates uneasiness, stress, and worry.
    • In order to communicate clearly, the primary step is silence, that is, the ability to listen.
    • Here are some common reasons for blocks to communication:
  • A plethora of thoughts, words, and actions sends us into overload. As a result, we are unable to think clearly because we lost the essence of what is trying to be conveyed through a jumble and jungle of thoughts and words.
  • Being too lost in our own emotions or ideas. When this happens, we do not listen attentively to others.
  • Remembering the past in a negative way. This does not allow me to tune in properly to my present and my future. When I cannot communicate properly with the needs of the present time, then I lose current opportunities.
  • Not letting go of negative perceptions and feelings. This creates tension in communication. The only method to renew my relationship with others is to let go of negativity on a daily basis, to prevent it from building up. Far too often, the buildup happens without us even noticing it and, in one moment, we wonder why positive feedback is not forthcoming.
  • Lack of silence. To go deep into myself and put my thoughts and feelings into the quarantine of silence enables them to become positive. The quarantine of silent relaxation defuses anger and the blame and complaints that often go with it.”

Extracted from Slaying the Three Dragons by Anthony Strano

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