The kick-ass angels are coming! We have fallen asleep in a too-bland, fuzzy, wish-fulfilling dream of angels, and we need to wake up.
Putting a few things straight
Kick-ass angels are not negative in any way; they desire only our progress and our awakening. They are not bullies or tyrants. Under no circumstances do they champion soul destruction, ungraciousness and contempt for sensitivity and finer feelings. They do not assume a critical or judgmental stance. They are not punitive, they do not chastise, they do not in any way use severity inappropriately – but they are kick-ass angels!
They are to do with releasing loving, positive free flow into negativity and devotedly nurtured old complexes. They are to do with cleansing, exorcism on many subtle levels, casting out fears and self-imposed limitations, changing stifling psychic air, identifying and challenging addictions and ingrained habits, and letting the winds of the spirit blow freely, like a bracing mountain breeze.
When we find ourselves suffering from subtle lethargy, stultification, blockages and stuck situations; when we seem unable to make progress and repeatedly encounter the same set of problems and circumstances; when our eye slips off the ball concerning our higher aspirations, we need to bring in the kick-ass angels.
When we feel our backs are against the wall, or that we are sinking in a steadily encroaching sea of inevitability, we call on the kick-ass angels.
When we snuggle into self-complacency and our spiritual vision becomes shallow; when materialism and triviality threaten to hijack it, we can by prior arrangement give the kick-ass angels the go-ahead to intervene. When we feel resigned and hopeless, and the vital spark of our true self is dim and feebly flickering, it is time to summon the kick-ass angels.
Dragon essence – flame of spirit
Kick-ass angels are connected with our dragon essence. This sacred serpent essence is the magical flame of spirit that lies buried in our depths, in our soul. It is the sun within us. It breathes forth fire, and is a creature that lives and moves and has its being in the light. It is our purest, highest essence – the dragon essence within. It is our light body, our light being. It transforms us and our world.
It is connected to the kundalini energy that eastern adepts see as a coiled golden serpent dwelling in the chakra or power centre at the base of the spine. But it is not this sacred kundalini force we call on in order to connect to our dragon essence. Our higher and true dragon consciousness dwells as a flame in the heart. Summoning the kundalini serpent is dangerous and can lead to disastrous consequences. It can drive a soul mad, or apply the bellows of violence and aggression to its dimensions. The kundalini can all too easily feed itself into the belly of the lower dragon with its hideous rampaging strength arising from the forces of materialism. This lower dragon ever seeks to lock human beings in its coils and drag them off to its stinking lair. It is the dragon that St George, Archangel Michael, and other great guardians, are portrayed as ‘slaying’, or, more accurately, piercing through with spiritual consciousness so that it becomes transformed and offers up its imprisoned victims as well as releasing its own unique light.
After we become consummate with our true dragon consciousness, the kundalini looks after itself, and is stimulated naturally and safely.
Becoming the Pendragon
When we call on the kick-ass angels, we call on our true dragon essence to arise and irradiate our consciousness. We become the Pendragon, literally the ‘head dragon’, which has three meanings.
The first is that our dragon essence has become our king or queen, our supreme ruler within. The second is that our dragon essence has risen from its throne in our heart to our head, to throw off supernal radiance from those two centres – the heart and the head – so that there is no misunderstanding or disconnection between them. They work and act in supreme harmony. The third is that the dragon of light within our deepest soul, in claiming its true inheritance as leader and inspirer and elected authority, has gloriously overcome the usurping dragon of the elemental forces. This is the lower saurian, the reptilian worm of wrath, who seeks to tyrannically oppress us and keep us in chains of enslavement in matter.
The kick-ass angels are those that foster, encourage and facilitate this process of overcoming the lower saurian. They are angels of the sacred light, of the golden serpent essence. They are the awakeners of the stars of measureless radiance that dwell deep within us.
Encountering these life-transforming angels of dynamic spiritual force allows us to locate our ‘prison cells’ and overturn the sentences we have, often unwittingly, imposed upon ourselves. They fathom our darkest, most fetid dungeons and unbind the aspects of us that dwell there, heavily manacled, in chains. They are unafraid of the gravest, unspoken, most horrifying secrets we may have buried in lonely places of denial and sad isolation.
Angels of resolution
The kick-ass angels are angels of resurrection, revolution and resolution. They are a burst of life everlasting. Their potency is in their wake-up call, for, as they themselves have intimated, the kick-ass angels are angels of awakening.
We need their help in our daily lives and our personal lives. We need their help to fulfil our potential. We need their help in realising our spiritual selves. And we need their help collectively at this point in our history. Without the aid of the kick-ass angels, the transformation of the future cannot begin.
The kick-ass angels stand ready to transform sentimentality into a true heart-piercing by the sacred lance, to sweep aside banality and offer instead the light of direct energetic transformation via our encounters with angels. They bring us the power of will to sacrifice indulgence of the lower mind in favour of a higher aspiration, and to become a receptacle for the spiritual and angelic consciousness that is our birthright.
From Kick-Ass Angels, © 2012 by Claire Nahmad, published by Watkins.
Claire Nahmad
When life is not all sweetness and light, and when we come up against internal obstacles and blind spots that do not respond to our efforts to remove them, we can call on the clarity and perseverance of the kick-ass angels to instil in us courage, integrity and endurance, to guide our way through the confusion of darkness and misinformation in power around the globe. The emphasis with kick-ass angels is on motivation, action, removing obstacles within us, exorcising our fears and demons, so that we can make personal progress. Writing in a way that spans Zoroastrian philosophy on the roles of angels with biblical, mythical and historical allegory about the Emerald tablet and spiritual alchemy, Claire Nahmad suggests how to use our integrity to see the truth. She reminds us that when the going gets tough we can call on the kick-ass angels as light bringers to dispel shadows and pulsate love.
256pp, 134mm x 214mm, softback,
2012, RRP £10.99
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