Seedpods of the New Time

Posted by Jehanne Mehta
30 January, 2013

At the time of writing, the 2nd of January 2013, looking around amongst friends and acquaintances, I can’t fail to notice what a hard transition it has been and is, for so many, myself included, from the difficult year of 2012 into 2013 and the new dispensation. The list is long: falls, broken bones (break with the past?), bronchitis, ‘flu, very persistent coughs and colds, big changes in working life, challenges of all kinds. On the international scale, conflicts and economic problems proliferate. Clearly there is a powerful shift going on. Some souls are choosing to move into the higher planes and some, victims of war and conflict, are simply sent there. At least we know that for them the suffering is over, dire though the situations of their passing may have been.

On 12th December I received, via a friend, a message from Mother Nah Kin, spiritual leader of the Mayan Sun Tradition, guardian of the Golden Temple of the Pyramid of Ascent Ah-ke-Nah-Tùn in Uxmal, Yucatan. This message resonated for me. She maintained that on 12.12.12 the last great portal of the galactic cycle of 25,625 years was closing, bringing to an end the period in which learning was through fear, suffering, temptation and error. Between that date and the 21st December were 9 days, a kind of gestation period in preparation for the beginning of the new cycle. This is the cycle when the powerful Christ rays of evolutionary acceleration are bringing in for the Earth and humanity a time of love, wisdom, peace and truth. All beings with whom we share responsibility here on Planet Earth are co-creators of this planetary transformation.

Clearly what we are going through then, are huge birth pangs and we still need time to adjust and to trust the gifts, which we each as co-creators are capable of bringing, gifts which Ann Napier’s writings in the Cygnus Calendar [221102, £6.99] affirm so beautifully. Sometimes it may seem as if everything of which we thought we were certain has slipped away and there is a kind of emptiness, unknowingness. The old traditions of Christmas, Midwinter, Yuletide, seem to have lost their meaning. We need to hang in there, because that emptiness is the space that is waiting for the new to come in, the new qualities coming from the galactic Central Sun, with which the Earth is now aligned, but also form the golden light which has been gestating secretly in the Heart of the Earth. Truly we need to watch this space! Our own hearts are the seedpods of this new time.


New Year

The old year shakes his hoary head for his time is nearly through.
We’ll see him swiftly on his way, sing a welcome to the new.
Now the glass is turning; set the boats a-burning,
New songs to be learning, new roads to be treading.

The January wind is come to sweep old lines away.
The new year comes with pen in hand to write another play.
Time’s at a beginning; set the wheels a-spinning,
New kites to be flying. New links to be tying.

Now take your loved ones by the hand for this I tell you true:
The gladness of the passing year sheds a glow upon the new;
Down the road together, sun or bitter weather,
New feats to be daring, new ale to be sharing.

Away with all the doubts and fears, for there’s no turning back.
Now set your face towards the sun and your feet upon the track.
Now the glass is turning, set the boats a-burning,
New songs to be learning, new roads to be treading.

The old year shakes his hoary head for his time is past and done.
Fresh challenges may lie ahead for a new time has begun.
We’ll all pull together, no matter what the weather.
Set the bells a-ringing, new songs to be singing.

Song Lyric
(Fourth verse added 2nd January 2011
Last verse added end 2012)

Your own heart lights up

Don’t try
don’t try to reach beyond
the empty grey
this portal into the unknown.
How can you traverse
before you set foot
and without inner sunlight
illumine a new world
just out of eyeshot?

The fact is, only the light
of your own sun heart
can reveal the features
of these landscapes you are
reaching into.

Only the strength of your own
spine, slowly straightening out of
the pain of living with
one eye on the past and the other
only the uncertainty of emergence
into lightness and ease
only this uncertainty can be your staff,
your key.

Be where you are.
The sun could rise here,


The Gentleness

The gentleness
on the edge of sleep
and in the waking morning
enfolding your heart
though you may be
doing the tread, tread, tread
inexorably downwards
yet the gentleness comes
from some place that is
no place and is never-where
and you begin to know
the multiple landscapes
you inhabit
your touch becoming sure
a new sense a
beyond sense
wiser than sight
a feel for the other
thought waves
subtle as perfume

and I touch you there
in the no place
where love is


the gentleness


© Jehanne Mehta 2013

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