Star Letter: My Random Act of Kindness
After a 3 mile run a lady stopped and asked me if I had seen a little black dog, unfortunately I had not but offered to help her look for it which she declined and off she went on her own.
I stopped for a moment and remembered the look of worry and sadness on her face, so off I went running after her. We agreed to split up and meet back at her car and I would call if I found the little dog.
I stopped and asked everyone that I came into contact with if they had seen this little dog who goes by the name of Franky – two sightings – great I thought I was getting closer but this little dog was avoiding me, and I started to think I was imagining it all.
Three hours and many miles later still no little black dog. I said to the lady I really must go and collect my children from school. She thanked me profusely and kept saying it was so kind of me to help her look my reply was I hope that if something like this happened to me someone would do the same.
That night I called the lady to ask if Franky had been found – yes she said 5 minutes after I left she thanked me again and said I hope I will see you again.
Not only did I help someone they too helped me in several ways – my own lack of confidence went away and for the first time in several years I could look strangers in the eye and to be told how very kind and that I had made such a difference left me with an amazing feeling of love and warmth.
Emma Yellop
Dear Friends,
We celebrated the Winter Solstice this year in a local village hall with around 30 like minded folk; after days of torrential rain and flooding, it was with a real sense of gratitude that we awoke to a dry day and drove up to Butser Hill on the South Downs for the sunrise. We held a simple ceremony calling in the four directions and as we faced East the mist cleared to show the huge red disc of the sun rapidly rising over the horizon. Returning to the hall for a welcome breakfast we spent the rest of the day in meditation and discussion on what 2013 will bring and between us we compiled a new Universal Prayer which I would like to share with you
Universal Prayer
Thank you for uniting us with an abundance of love, harmony and joy.
As we travel through our lives may we find compassion
in each other.
Love is unconditional and infinite, all we need is love.
At the heart of love, there is forgiveness and in forgiving
ourselves, we offer forgiveness to the world.
May we and the universal energies play our part in supporting and healing the cycle of life, which in turn, nurtures our spiritual, mental, emotional and physical health for the good of all.
As we return to oneness, may it bring unity to divided minds.
We show our gratitude by living in peace and harmony.
With love, Sheila Robey
What Is Love?
Love can be Heaven but can also be conflict. Love is everlasting but can be broken. A parental love is unconditional as another comes with conditions. We`re told love never dies, but it can also kill. There can be the love for power as well as the power of love.
Love can be a summer`s breeze, a sunset a sunrise. Love can be set free or a torture within. It can be `a melody that’s sweetly sung in tune`. Love can be for a home or a Ferrari or an animal that shares a life with you. Love binds us together through the good and bad times.
Love has its own language, knows no boundaries religion or race but can lead us to God. In truth, true love can be as wonderful as it is difficult. But love can be kind and tolerant towards strangers and strange lands. Could you imagine a world without love?
Love can be painted, sung, danced and written. It can be found on the highest peaks and in the deepest oceans. It is in the still of the night and beside you when your sorrows are full. Love is in life as it is in death.
And in this highly competitive capitalistic commercialised world we live in, when sometimes it is hard to fulfill our dreams, remember if you can`t get what you want, you must love what you have. And that`s good enough for me.
Tony Hollis
We have always been born with this thing called love,
It comes to us and latches on,
You can never ask when or why it happened,
Only how?
Love can be pain,
Love can be beauty,
Love can be extraordinary,
Love can be death…
It can be all those things,
But love, is never limited.
James Kaffenberger
Love Begins With Me
How to love, unconditionally,
Without judgement, but with respect.
How to live with love from others,
Without judgement, but with acceptance.
How to teach with love, how to be in love
With all living things,
With each other,
And more.
How to show you love.
How to speak with love,
With regard for life and liberty.
How to love with freedom,
And gratitude.
I give to all, my unconditional love.
The love from within me,
Is my greatest gift.
I freely give it to all.
No exception.
No expectation.
Just love,
All my love,
Love begins with me.