Reclaiming Ancient Love

Posted by Jerome O’Connell
27 June, 2013

I have a very special mother – Sally Pullinger – who I have often heard people say is one of Britain’s best trance mediums. Mum trained for many years with Ivy Northage, a well known trance medium, in the ‘70’s, at the Spiritualist Association and the College of Psychic Studies in London. Of course in my opinion she is also in the top league of Best British Mums! Anyway, here I’d like to tell you something about how – with the help of my mother and her guide Chung Fu – my CD Reclaiming Ancient Love, came into being.

A wise spirit guide

Sally first started channelling Chung Fu (Old Chinese) in 1977, before I was born. Chung Fu used to come through Marshall Lever for many years before arriving in Sally’s life. With his profound understanding of the soul, Chung Fu aims to assist people to bring their higher self deeply into their mental, emotional and physical bodies. Sally works almost round the clock to provide a vehicle for Chung Fu to help as many souls as possible to come to a place of inner truth and connection to their divine source, facilitating deep healing and soul retrieval.

An ancient bear spirit

As Sally’s son, it has been my immense privilege to have consultations with Chung Fu almost whenever I want. For someone who loves spiritual things as much as I do, can you imagine what a marvellous opportunity this has been for me? About a year ago, I had a session with Chung Fu during which an ancient bear spirit came forward bringing a powerful healing energy. The bear communicated that his name is Nordon and that he is one of my spirit guides. He spoke of how humanity needs to remember a more natural form of love, an ancient, primal, simple way of loving without masks or pretence, a bold and wild love which has the courage to speak the plain truth. In order to access the heart’s true power, each one needs to discover and own the places inside that are filled with fear or other negative emotions, and find ways to release the emotions and change the underlying negative beliefs and subconscious programmes.

The way to Ancient Love

As the layers of complex and often inherited fears and negativities fall away, we find within ourselves an ever-greater resource of intrinsic love power. This is the Ancient Love, the love that connects us to All That Is. As we know, human beings have an almost identical DNA to many evolved animal species, however we have become separated from our animal nature and through becoming ‘civilised’ many of us have lost our ancient natural instincts and knowledge. There is a growing awareness that as humans we need to re-educate ourselves to connect with our natural surroundings and learn once again how we may live in harmony with nature and survive in the wild. The Ancient Love we speak of in this cd is the love that connects us to all of nature, to all of the universe, the love that emanates from the Source Divine, from the Centre of the Universe, the love that is the power of life itself, the love that is the Source of All.

A journey of love

Since my mother first started working with Chung Fu he has been helping us to understand how to build conscious groups, how to communicate better together, how to deal with negativity and conflict, how to create more depth of love and understanding within our relationships, within our family, and within our community. We have lived in Glastonbury since I was one year old … some say it is the heart centre of the world … well for sure it is a place where people go through monumental experiences of personal change and growth, and the members of our family have experienced deep processes of spiritual, mental, emotional and physical initiation and transformation during the almost 30 years of our time here. I was raised in this atmosphere of my family’s passionate dedication and service to the processes of evolution within the human soul. My great passion is to play my part in this cosmic process happening on the earth and within the universe at every level, to serve in my own way and develop my own skills as a healer, musician, lightworker, bringer of joy, peace and love wherever and whenever I am able. I play music with several bands and compose and sing many songs and other musical works in many different styles. I love to perform and am blessed to have the opportunity to create and perform spiritual compositions with my mother and other priestesses working within the Goddess Temple in Glastonbury. I will soon be bringing some of these new compositions into the Cygnus Emporium of wonderful meditations and journey cds … I feel so blessed to be alive at this extraordinary time and to be taking part in this amazing human co-creation of our New Way of Being here upon the earth.

Although at the moment there are no extra spaces in my mother’s diary for personal sessions, we will soon be creating an on-line presence so that we can reach more people with the teachings of Chung Fu as he has so much to offer the world at this time of transition and change. We will inform Ann and Geoff at Cygnus when our internet presence becomes accessible and functional.

Through wildness to freedom

The Reclaiming Ancient Love cd was transmitted directly from Nordon, my spirit bear ancestor, through the mediumship of my mother and her guide Chung Fu. Nordon’s intention was to provide for me, for you, for all who choose to journey with him, a path along which to walk, back into a depth of connection with an ancient memory of being wild, of living alongside the bear people, perhaps even of being ourselves incarnated into their bear tribes, or being in close communication with wild animal beings, in an interdependent and mutually supportive relationship. It is also understood that we are likely to have fears and insecurities that will come up inside us when we reach for that connection, as few of us have the actual opportunity in our daily lives to communicate with wild animals in a safe environment. However, we all have that wildness within, that potential to connect to the power of nature, and it is so important that somewhere in our personal and spiritual self-development we start to address this subject and meet some of the feelings and befriend some of the forgotten places and reclaim this ancient power of wild love and the memory of being one with our natural surroundings.

May you unveil within yourself your greatest potential and draw to you all that you need to nourish your heart and your soul, to relax your body, and to fill your mind with inspiration and deep peace. And may the Ancient Bear Ancestors bring you strength, confidence, courage, well-being and great stamina for your life’s journey.

May the living spirit that is within all things come forward within each and every one of you, bringing you peace, love and deep understanding that is beyond the mind. Blessings and Peace.

© 2013 by Jerome O’Connell. Facebook: jerome.oconnell13

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