Star Letter: I Have Been Heard
I am a man in my late 50’s and work in the corporate world. With my wife, I’ve been a member of Cygnus for many years and love the work you do. I have also been involved with men’s groups for many years and after one such group I was moved to write the following poem that I would like to share with your readers.
I have been heard
Just listening to another man –
without judgement
not trying to offer a solution
walking in his shoes
feeling his pain
understanding from his point of view
-honours his life.
As my mentor has said,
‘For those who are suffering,
just being heard out can make a huge difference.
Having someone warmly listen to what one has to say
is in itself encouragement to go on living.’
Every man wants to be listened to
Let today be a day like no other
When each one of us can say,
‘I have been heard.’
Paul Samuels
The elapsing of time on earth
The cycles of life on earth are sure; as sure as death occurs a newborn arrives.
A soul has lapsed out of time; a soul has been plunged into time. None the less traumatic.
The journey begins; the journey ends – with eternity being a constant friend.
For it is in the eternal that time is tamed; the soul is lifted off the earthly plane. Achieved in the most poignant moments of life’s journey, but is fully embraced at each end.
Earth is bound by time and its inexorable passing morning to night. A mysterious path the human soul must tread experiencing the elapsing of time on earth.
Barry Mcevoy, Armagh
Our Celestial Parents
Isn’t it a wonderful description
That we are made from stardust
Created from parent stars
Ending their cycles
Transforming and releasing
Energy and matter
To form new star nurseries
and the minerals that made us.
Isn’t it wonderful that the night sky
We can still see the starlight
Reaching us from space
Even though the source stars
Have already been transformed
This is the cosmic dance
Of beginnings and endings
All energies changing form
Naturally and eternally.
J Jones
Dear Friends,
On Saturday 6th October, I went to see Anita Moorjani who wrote the book ‘Dying to be me’. [Cygnus Code: 220513, £7.49]
She’s a brilliant speaker & she spoke about her battle with cancer, her near death experience & how she was totally healed within 5 weeks, & her message to us all about how she believed she healed & how we can all live a happy & healthy life.
She said it’s very simple:
1. Love & value Yourself
2. Live fearlessly (you do this by finding your joy & doing the things you love)
3. Remember life is a gift (Laughter & doing something for yourself every day very important)
4. Be Yourself
She believes that she got cancer because she was living in fear; making choices from fear & not from love. She thinks it was her own unexpressed energy that turned inwards & created the cancer.
During her NDE she realised her own value & magnificence and this is why she was able to heal so quickly when she came back.
She talked a lot about self love & couldn’t stress enough how important this is. If you believe you are worthy & deserve the best in life you will get it.
Just wanted to pass this on.