Star Letter: Cherish your family
Well Christmas has come and gone for yet another year. I have been particularly reflective this year about family memories of Christmas’ past. I have remembered with fondness how my folks made it a truly magical time when I was a little girl and have looked back in sadness that my dad isn’t around to laugh and drink a few glasses of something nice and argue with anymore. Yes, argue. We argued like cat and dog sometimes but what I wouldn’t give to be able to just agree to disagree with him again. I miss the daftness we shared and his daft ways. I miss him always being there for me. I miss knowing he was there for my ma too. I just miss him. We didn’t see eye to eye on a lot of things but we loved each other none-the-less. We drove each other potty a lot of the time but that’s just the way we were.
I guess the point I’m making is that this time of year is about family, family is what truly matters and if you have a loving family then you are rich beyond words. One third of my family is gone. I don’t have a partner or children of my own or any siblings but do I have my wonderful ma who is also my best friend. I wonder and worry about the future though. I can’t help it. What will future Chirstmases be like for me when my ma has gone and I am on my own? It’s not a thought I relish at all.
Those of you that have partners and husbands and wives and children, cherish them. They are your treasures. You are blessed. I don’t know what future Christmases hold for me and I hope that I will be blessed with good firends that I can call family if I don’t have a family of my own. However, I am truly thankful for each and every day I get to spend with those that matter to me. Those days are priceless and all too soon nothing more than memories.
Cherish ever moment. Thay are the true gift of Christmas.
Susie Wilcox
Happy New Year
Happy New Year to you Louisa and everyone at Cygnus. You summed up the spirit of this New Moon beautifully with your words: ‘Let’s seize this opportunity to move forward with everything that we are, holding in our hearts the reality that this is our moment’. I have repeated this affirmation, or shall I call it prayer, to myself many times already. The Grand Square in the sky is calling us to start building something new, something that will last. I have a sense of a great opportunity and your words give me the encouragement and clarity to move forward into the unknown knowing there is something to hold on to. I am not going to be able to describe what I mean as well as you can so this will have to do. Thank you for your monthly articles, I always enjoy reading them because of their honesty, wisdom and lightness too. Wishing you all the best for every day of the New Year.
Love, Ivana
Shall we remember that Love is all, there is nothing more, we come out of love, we shall return to love, and if we lose sight of love, in the moment before our return we can listen. For the word of Love resounds throughout the universe, and shall continue, until the last Man hears it, and remembers that he is the word. and is listening to his own heart beat
Teresa Edwards
Love is what I am
I feel love
I show love
I am love
I attract love
I accept love
I deserve love
I love and I am love.