I dedicate this blog to the future you, who is looking at you now and advising you on what to do next so that you can attract the most prosperous, happy and healthy future which, in actuality, already exists right now. Enjoy the moment!
Remembering Process
I actually borrowed those words, by Joe Vitale, from The Remembering Process which he co-wrote with Daniel Barrett. It’s a sneak-peak of the process of creating by remembering.
Going deeper into the law of attraction, it works by taking your ambition and intention and immersing yourself in the imagined memory of it as something that has come to pass. From this imagined perspective you’re looking back and revisiting the euphoria of how it felt when you accomplished your goal. It’s a playful roleplay where you can get creative and imagine the whole success story of how you made it all happen.
Remembering something you don’t know
This method is becoming increasingly used as an effective means of more quickly and efficiently tapping into our inspiration and intuition, while having some fun along the way.
Indeed the book contains many examples of people who have found success following this Remembering Process both using the book and subconsciously, including famous figures such as actor Jim Carey, karate champion Kayla Harrison and rock star Neil Young who describes using this method for songwriting:
‘It’s like Schubert said: ‘I don’t make up my music; I remember it. I remember what I’m doing.’ The only responsibility is to take care of it … make sure you’re in good enough shape to deliver it, and make sure that you know what you’re doing enough that you care about the moment you do it.”
Practice makes perfect
Having this remembering process happen naturally to you, all by its own, is a lot easier than trying to do it. I gave it a go when I was only a couple of pages into the book but felt very clumsy about it all; it doesn’t help that I often get stuck trying to remember things I do already know – the blank expression on my face when I’m supposed to remember someone’s name is just one example! But, as I read on, I found that, thanks to the relatable and friendly manner in which the book is written, the tips and methods are so easily and naturally absorbed.
Straight from the book, here is a brief outline of the Process in Six Easy Steps:
Step 1: Relax
Access to bigger wisdom – states of transformation and growth – begin with relaxation. Keep in mind that your process doesn’t have to be perfect. Just allow yourself to become more calm, quiet and relaxed.
Step 2: Agree with the Present Moment
So often we are trying to bend life away from what it is right now. Fully embracing this moment is requisite to arriving at any other and allows the soft flow of time.
Step 3: Play, Trust and Observe
Allow your mind to ruminate about whatever it is that you’re trying to accomplish, and trust the images it gives you. If it helps, keep a pen and paper handy to doodle or write.
Step 4: Use Touchstones
Give yourself things to look at and touch throughout your day that remind you of what you’re “remembering”.
Step 5: Leap into the Quantum Remembering – The Unified State
This is a step off of the earth – “out of your mind” and into a different reality. Sometimes, it’s about being instead of doing. (the book describes a very helpful method of how to get into ‘the zone’).
Step 6: Collect the Wisps
Often, you’ll find that all you get are little flashes of something-or-other. An image, a few words, a little melody. Acknowledge and appreciate any little bit that comes your way, and use them as jumping-off points, like brainstorming.
Wonderful Adventure
I have been so excited to let you know about this Remembering Process, I mean what’s not exciting about bending time and playing with reality? I really do hope that it helps and inspires you … or rather, I remember that after reading this email you were so inspired and curious about how deep the rabbit hole would go that you went on a marvellous adventure to find out. I remember how grateful I was to you for sharing your experience on this blog page and how emotionally moved I was to read what a difference your success made to your life, and to the lives of so many others. I remember imagining how lifted your spirit must be feeling. Do you remember?
One love,
Louisa and the Cygnus Books team