Reflections on Leaving this World

Posted by Cygnus Team
25 August, 2014

It seems appropriate to call down a gift for you that involves a reflection on what happens when we die. No one can be certain, of course, but the general consensus seems to be that we can be confident of being met by as much light and love as we are capable of perceiving.

And in that light and love, a process will unfold whose aim is the gentle and gradual dissolution – as far as we ourselves will permit – of everything in us that is not love and truth. A process of learning, flowering and, at the same time, of letting go.

The most truthful way to be

We believe that death is not the end, that it’s nothing to fear, and yet we also feel certain that it’s right and important to grieve, that grieving is part of living, and that it’s quite okay not to ‘get over it’. It’s a paradox, and one we don’t feel like rationalising. We just want to be in it, in the paradox, because it seems the most truthful way to be. So whenever we feel too much the burdens of physical separation, we always think of P D Mehta’s words, which he wrote in ‘The Heart of Religion’:

Even down here, in feebleness, to see and bear and understand the inconsolability of death is to be made deathless by Life and realize its benediction. This is Love, this is Freedom, this is Reality.

For us, those are beautiful words. We always try to understand them.

Love, life and light

Love is stronger than death. Life is stronger than death. Light is stronger than death. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. See this, around and within you, in all its glory. Know that it fills you, and will never leave you. Recognise that, in truth, it is you. Yes, all that beauty, all that joy, flows through you just as it flows through all creation, giving you your sense of self, giving you life, ever present to wash you clean of those illusory twins: death and separation. Know that this river can never come to an end. Give thanks for this eternal blessing which is given to you freely, and is always yours. And in that state of gratitude, let Life come to full flower within you, just as you can see it blossoming all around you now.

And with this renewed sense of the invincible power of Life flowing through you, step out into the world with courage, knowing that – through your open mind, your loving heart, and your willing hands – this power of Life can soften and dissolve many an illusion, in ways far beyond your understanding.

So, dear friends, Be Here Now. Be born into your truest Self, which can never die, for it is part of the Eternal.

With much love,


Life can never end, 

Life is eternal

never ceasing to flow,

born within and beyond time.

Whereas death is 

a momentary incident, 

a discrete event

merely signifying change.

It does not and cannot

signify ending, 

for Life – by its very nature – 

can never end. 

Just open all your senses, 

and look and feel 

around you,

and you will know

that this is true.

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