Earlier this year I had a revelation. I met with a lady I have known for years. She was writing a book about women with hair loss and she asked me if I would contribute a paragraph.
As we were chatting, a memory stirred. I was 14 years old, extremely shy and with low self-esteem as I suffered with what I now know to be trichotillomania. Looking for a cure, I was taken to a doctor who asked that I strip off and lay on the examination bed. These were the days before a nurse would have to be present. Nothing physical happened other than him scrutinising my body for what seemed like an eternity.
However, after 40 years the memory stirred, and I wept. Where on earth had that come from? I realised this distressing memory had been buried deep within my subconscious. Now I realised why I have had a fear of stepping forward and being counted, because I had held onto a fear of humiliation of being exposed and looked at. Food had become my comfort blanket. If I was fat, no one would take a second glance at me.
Despite this I have become successful in my field. After a few days of processing the turmoil I felt ready to physically shift my emotional pounds. I did not want to be fat anymore. Now I had discovered my trigger I knew I was ready to begin to deal with it. Answers I’m searching for often tend to be revealed in my dreams, so I went to bed that night asking for guidance. I slept, and the messages flowed.
Tarot has always been my trusted and wise friend. As a professional reader and teacher, now was my time to put Tarot to the test. Together we were going on a personal journey. In my dream I was shown to divide my tarot deck in to the 4 suits removing the major arcana and court cards, and each suit would represent what I would need to nourish me emotionally and physically for the day ahead.
This would be a 40-day programme. I was to shuffle the cards the night before and ask “what guidance do I need tomorrow for my well-being and weight loss?” The Tarot cards drawn in answer would guide me.
Suits – Food Types
> PENTACLES/EARTH: Food of substance. Fresh green vegetables. Small portions of carbohydrate such as potatoes or rice. Casseroles, sweet potatoes. It is important to eat protein
with carbs, as you will feel fuller more quickly. ❖ Emotionally: Dealing with issues to help you feel secure and stable; money and home issues are priority.> SWORDS/AIR: Light foods. Salads, omelettes, hard boiled eggs.
You are likely to have greater weight loss on a sword day. ❖ Emotionally: Planning how to do things better and allow your creative energy to flow.> WANDS/FIRE: Foods cooked over flame. Spicy food such as chilli, curries with ingredients which accommodate a low fat version. Avoid rice/bread/potatoes. ❖ Emotionally: Active days, walking, cycling, tackling jobs, which have been put on hold.
> CUPS/WATER: Fish/shellfish, smoothies, soups. Fish & chips made with sweet potatoes is an option. Increase intake of water on Cup days. ❖ Emotionally: Be sociable, meet friends, swim, walking near water. Meditation.
❖ It is important to drink at least a litre of water every day.
❖ When you pull your card for the day remove it from the deck. If you feel like you are going to overindulge, use the emotional interpretations provided to help keep you on the path.
❖ You must never be hungry. Be aware of portion sizes and reduce carbohydrates in the early stages for good steady weight loss.
❖ Keep a food diary so you can see patterns of hunger, don’t leave long gaps between meals. Eat rice or oat cakes with peanut butter, tuna or cottage cheese if hungry.
Having lost 20lbs on this plan, my experience as an Cordon Bleu cook and study of macrobiotic cooking has helped me create some great recipes which are all available as part of the food plan.
Find out more at: www.tarotfoodplan.co.uk.