Who we are now is the sum total of all those people who’ve lived before us, right back to the dawn of time. We are the end result of the coping strategies designed to keep them safe.
Those things are passed on to us genetically, emotionally and energetically and we live with them as though they are our own.
They are hardwired in at such an early age we don’t question them.
They weren’t passed on to us to harm us, but with the best of intentions. People pass on whatever they have, even if it isn’t working, because it’s all that they have.
I like to think of the ancestors passing the “stuff” on, in the hope that someone, somewhere down the line, will draw enough strength from dealing with it, that they can let it go on behalf of them all. I see lines of cheering, grateful people when we do this workJ
Depending upon the area that your family comes from there will be a whole lot of coping strategies for survival that people are carrying.
Someone whose family comes from the UK, where our last major invasion was in 1066, will have different strategies to someone from mainland Europe, where an invasion can happen, just by driving a bit further along a road. people from a Jewish background, when Jews have been persecuted not for hundreds of years, but for thousands, will have different coping strategies again. In the UK, where the majority of our ancestors were in service of some kind, we were trained to “know our place.” No wonder we’re not good at shining our light, it doesn’t feel safe!
When this “stuff” that’s not ours, is cleared, it becomes much easier to clear the stuff that really is ours from this life and EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) is a great tool to do that.
Here are some suggestions that you might like to tap on to clear the “stuff” that’s not yours.
Here’s a very simple exercise focusing on feelings you’d like to change. Tap on the side of the hand.
“Even though I’m feeling all this and maybe it wasn’t even mine in the first place, I deeply and completely accept myself.”
“Even though this may not be my stuff and I’ve been acting as though it is, right up until now, I deeply and completely accept myself and whoever has contributed to this.”
““Even though I’m feeling all this and maybe it wasn’t even mine in the first place, I’m open to the possibility that it might finally be safe to let it go on behalf of me and whoever created it.”
At a deeper level, the exercise below allows us to tell the subconscious that we want to clear all the things we’ve picked up and been carrying, that are not ours.
It’s simple and very profound. It can change lives.
- “Even though I have no idea what was going on for my dad when the sperm that became part of me was formed, I deeply and completely love and accept myself, and maybe even him.”
- “Even though I have no idea what was going on for my Mum or grandmother when the egg that became part of me was formed, I deeply and completely love and accept myself and maybe even her.”
- “Even though I have no idea what was going on for them when I was conceived, but it’s likely that there was a lot, I deeply and completely love and accept us all.”
We then move into a conversation with the subconscious, all the while tapping on the karate point.
- “Even though, when I was in the womb, I was just a baby, I deeply and completely accept myself.”
- “Even though I was just a baby and I was picking up things from my mum and I thought it was all mine, how could I know anything different, I was a baby, feeling those things, I deeply and completely love and accept myself, and them.”
- Even though I was just a baby and I was feeling things from my mum, and from my dad through my mum and from their parents and their parents’ parents back through time and I was just a baby and I thought it was all mine, I deeply and completely accept myself and maybe even all the people who first felt that “stuff.”
- “Even though I thought it was all mine and I’ve been dutifully carrying it ever since, as though that was the truth, I’d like my subconscious to know that it was never mine. I’d like it to clear, now, anything that I picked up in the womb, or any other time, that’s not me, anything that’s not mine. It’s served it’s purpose and it’s finally ok to let it go.”
Top of the Head: It’s not mine,
Eyebrow: And it never was
Side of Eye: And I thought it was
Under Eye: instructing my subconscious to release anything that’s not me,
Under Nose: Releasing anything that’s not mine
Chin: Allowing it go
Collar Bone: Wherever it came from
Under arm : Balancing my energy, easily, safely and comfortably, because that’s what we all deserve.
If it feels helpful, you can repeat the last round again, or even several times. Go with what feels right to you. If other issues come up, keep tapping and talk them through.
Different people respond in different ways to this exercise. Everything is normal, and so is nothingJ. It’s just your unique way of experiencing things.
This exercise is part of creating a level playing field to work from. When ancestral and family issues are not there it leaves us with our own stuff to deal with and that’s far easier.
If you’d like to tap along with me, please join me!
Jacqui is one of the pioneers in using Energy Psychology. She is an International speaker and trainer and an EFT Founding Master. She specializes in helping people to change limiting beliefs and old family and ancestral patterns that create self-sabotage and keep people stuck. She runs retreats in interesting places and trains EFT, worldwide. She presents at conferences and is one of the authors of EFT and Beyond. Learn more about Jacqui on her website http://www.jacquicrooks.com
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