Consciousness and Earth Energy by Cilla Conway

Posted by Cilla Conway
20 August, 2019

I first encountered earth energy communication years ago, walking on Box Hill. It’s a wonderful place – the land just falls away down to the plains below. The big sky with rolling clouds absorbs your full awareness.

There was a little breeze, I remember, and I said something out loud – nothing remarkable… probably that I wasn’t sure where I was. The breeze increased noticeably, and then died away. A bit later, I said something else, and the same thing happened. I realised the land and the breeze were responding to me.

The next time I had a specific – though rather more disconcerting – communication from the earth was when I returned from a trip to Findhorn. I was bubbling with excitement on the possibilities of talking to the plants.

Anyway, I had just moved into my new house, and the previous owners had left a spindly tree fuchsia in the garden. I asked the Devas (the earth spirits) of the garden to look after it and, next morning, came out in the hope that it might be looking much healthier. Instead, I found it in two halves on the ground. It had not been windy during the night, so maybe a fox or cat had acted for the Devas – but I was quite upset and decided that the Devas were not very nice. Much later, of course, I realised that the Devas, the energies of creation, are not nice. They’re powerful, unsentimental, inhuman, but true. The tree fuchsia was an unnatural human grafting that would never survive in the wild.

My next interaction with the Devas was almost accidental, but ended up changing my life. Rather to my own surprise, I had gone to a talk on angels. ‘Someone’, I said at the end without too much thought, ‘should paint angels as they really are – energies that would knock your socks off if you encountered them. Maybe I should paint them.’ ‘Go for it’, the speaker said. I started the next morning – and what emerged was an image that was in no way an angel. It was pure energy, and cosmic – the Deva of the Sun.

As I went on, the images began to form a story – the story of Creation, as I saw it – so I called them the Devas of Creation. They were obviously energies, the blueprints of everything in existence, from a blade of grass to the stars and galaxies. The physical world seemed to form from these blueprints. I began to see that the concept of worlds within worlds (like Blake’s grain of sand) was consistent with the latest quantum ideas – that the universe may be a hologram. I wondered about the reality behind that hologram.

All these ideas came through working on the Deva deck which I self-published in 2014. However, the most important connection I made was something I can’t really explain, arising from a meditation given by Paul Lowe (one of the real Masters). He suggested going inside your body, and feeling the fluttering within, and as you feel it, bringing it up and out until you feel it in the world around you. I did it–and for a few indescribable minutes, I felt a part of the earth, part of the sky, part of the ultimate Reality. Words fell away, I fell away, and everything was all one.

Today, I know that to connect, I just need to walk on the land
in a state of awareness. If you want to connect, to earth and to Consciousness, go outside and walk. Become aware of the wind, the sun or rain, the grass, trees and birds – everything around you. Something might call for your attention: stop and place your full attention on it. Stay with it until you know it’s complete. Then, when you get home, write the experience down.

Cilla Conway The Devas of Creation – This article was featured in the Summer 2018 Cygnus Review.

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