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Opening Heaven’s Door

1 July, 2014 Vicky 0

Later that morning, we all received the call, the what-the-hell-are-you-talking-about news that my mother, with Rachel’s astonished assistance, dialed out to the family. But Katharine, one hundred miles east of my parents, in MontrĂ©al, received […]

The Spark in the Machine

27 March, 2014 Vicky 0

When I was three years old I caught my thumb in a folding chair. I cannot remember this episode, filled as it must have been with blood and pain, but my mother does. She packed […]

The Moral Molecule

29 January, 2014 Vicky 0

Consider the lowly lobster. The scary-looking crustacean Homarus americanus has never been thought of as particularly moral, or particularly romantic (unless, of course, the context is drawn butter and a good white wine). Heavily armored […]

The One Mind is not an Infinite Blob

24 October, 2013 Vicky 0

If all individual minds are part of a greater mind, what keeps all mental activity from melding into some featureless muddle in the One Mind? What accounts for the specificity and individuality we see in […]

Written in the Stars

9 March, 2008 Vicky 0

When I was a scientist in the pharmaceutical industry from 1995-1999 I must confess that whenever I heard talk of astrology I would dismiss it as unscientific or ‘pseudoscience’, even though I had a keen […]