Since we held our first Cygnus Café in Leamington Spa, a network of Cygnus supporters have coordinated local heartfelt gatherings across the UK. Both members and friends are invited to meet and share their feelings, thoughts and journeys in a dogma-free environment. 

The initial meeting of the Sunderland Cygnus Community

For details about dates, locations and contact details see the Café List

Please Contact your local coordinator for current dates and directions to your local venue.  

Contact us if you would like to join or start a local Cygnus Community group.

“What we need now are times and places to meet for heart to heart communications, free from mindsets, belief systems or dogmas, agendas and schedules. We are creating spaces within our communities where we can grow and support each other – no strings attached. Leave your beliefs and coats at the door… and listen to what your intuition has say.”  -Geoff Napier 


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