The end of the world?

Posted by Cygnus Team
18 November, 2010

Chris Thomas has been working as a psychic surgeon/healer for nearly 30 years. The work he and his wife, Di, do together on healing clients, has led to discoveries concerning many aspects of human history. In addition to the directions in which his healing work has led him, Chris also discovered at a young age that he was ‘hard-wired’ into the record keeping aspects of the human mass consciousness, commonly known as the ‘Akashic’. All the history of the Universe, says Chris, is contained within the Akashic and particularly the record of human endeavours. It is from the Akashic that he has obtained the information he gives in this message, and in his books, links to which are shown below.

Dear Friends,

Oh deary, deary me. What a fine mess we seem to have gotten ourselves into.

Just as we were beginning to believe all the messages that we are changing for the better, we seem to be surrounded by more and more chaos and confusion. If we are changing, raising our energy frequencies, how come everything seems to be becoming worse?

As we undergo our ‘changes’, what we are actually doing is bringing more and more of our soul energy into the body, until we once again become a true human being.

Let me explain: For the past 7,000 years our human form has been divided into a ‘physical self’ and a ‘higher self’. The physical self, that which we refer to as the human body, has only contained about one quarter of our total consciousness, our total soul. The higher self has made up the other three quarters.

At long, long last we have found the way to reintegrate the whole; to bring the whole soul back into the physical body. That is why I always explain to people that we are not ‘ascending’ anywhere; we are just becoming ‘whole’, we are just becoming human. This is what is meant by change.

Always remember that, fundamentally, we are energy. Einstein’s Theory of Relativity is correct: all things ‘physical’ are made of energy and that energy cannot be destroyed, it can only be altered. The same applies to consciousness energy, the energy that is the soul. Consciousness is not just seated within one small region of the brain, as current scientific thinking is suggesting. The energy that is the soul infuses all the cells of the body and extends via the chakras and aura far beyond the physical confines of the body.

We began this process of soul reintegration back in 1996 and, as we did so, we began to realise that we had a great deal of accumulated emotional debris to clear. Our state of seeming chaos is entirely brought about by the amount of emotional debris we have built up over the past seven thousand years.

We have become used to not being us. We have become used to wearing masks, presenting faces to the world that we think the world wants to see. We have become so un-used to showing our true selves, and we have kept our true selves so hidden that even we do not know who we truly are any longer. We have become accustomed to believing the web of falsities we have woven around ourselves, and the journey to re-discovering who we really are is proving uncomfortable. This is the reason for the chaos. This is the reason for the confusion.

The simple answer is that we have become used to not being honest, and this lack of honesty has led to all the confusion (conflicts, wars and prejudice) that we are currently experiencing.

As we reintegrate the higher elements of consciousness, our higher selves are requesting us to become more and more honest with ourselves and with those with whom we share our lives. The further we progress through the process of re-integration, the more this request becomes an imperative and the less we can hide from the requirements of the higher self, the requirements of the soul.

We have also begun to realise that truth has its own vibration. Words spoken to us by others become recognised for what they are: the truth or not. This ‘feeling’ for truth is also adding to our confusion. Conventions or ideologies we accepted as truth in the past are now being seen as less than truth.

What we now need to do is to bring all our new understanding of what is honest and what is not, to bear on all aspects of our lives. The way to remove the chaos from our lives, and from humanity as a whole, is to be as honest as possible within every situation; honest with ourselves and honest with those around us. This is how we complete our process of change, by being totally honest in everything we do. If we all became totally honest tomorrow, we could all complete our reintegrations the day after. The truth is that powerful!

Becoming honest begins with little steps. If someone asks you a question, reply in as honest a way as possible. This does not mean forgetting about diplomacy, but it does mean expressing your truth. If someone makes you angry or sad, or upsets you in any way, let them know as honestly as possible what their actions have done. It is no good trying to ‘let it go with love’ any longer, as that is a false situation and it will only lead to resentment and a delay in your personal development. Neither is it good to think that, by being honest, you will ‘hurt the other person’s feelings’. You are assuming that your honest reaction is going to be hurtful. But how are you able to judge what price the other person has put on their feelings? Being dishonest, by not expressing your true feelings, always creates more harm and damage than being honest does. Of course we need to be as diplomatic as the situation or person warrants, but we all need to begin to realise that we cannot pre-judge someone else’s reactions. Do not forget that being honest with someone gives them full permission to be honest in return, and that builds a stronger relationship.

The soul, the higher self, is not a hard taskmaster. All that it requires of us is that we be ourselves and be as honest as it is possible to be in any given situation. It is not a question of being rude or unthinking, just of being who we truly are, without masks.

The end of 2011 is the date we, humans, have set ourselves to finally complete our process of reintegration. Every single person on the planet has the potential and capability to fulfil the task we have set ourselves. Whilst time seems short, all that is needed is honest communication – with ourselves and others. Once honest communication in all aspects of our lives is achieved, individually and collectively, we automatically and without further effort, become more than we have ever dreamed possible.

With love and good wishes, Chris

Further reading:
The Universal Soul
Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Your Body…
The Sequel to Everything…

Click here to read Chris Thomas’s other articles.

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