Chat Page – Letters and poems from Cygnus members

Posted by Cygnus Team
25 January, 2011

April 2012


I read Money is Love* by Barbara Wilder when it was first published in 1998. I loaned and lost my copy so was delighted when Cygnus recently offered an updated edition. One of the exercises suggested in the book is writing about the meaning of money in one’s life.

Money means I am able to have the material necessities and enjoyments of life and to assist others. Money flows and is to be shared.

Over many years of reduced income (I was unable to work due to having ME) there had not been anything of real importance which I had had to do without. Of course, over those years I also had reduced strength and energy so my desires were minimal. But the principle that there is enough stands. Money came when most needed.

Now I am better and have lost the main financial support I received during the years of illness. Now what?

This is a time of trusting. Believing, as Julian of Norwich says, that ‘all manner of thing shall be well.’

Financial plenty is not to be confused with abundance. Money is an energetic component in the flow of life – it is only one aspect of abundance. Without much money one can still have and share abundance – of one’s time, support, friendship, love; even soup!

However, knowing this does not preclude continuing to work with this helpful book to encourage financial plenty into my life.

Many blessings, Brenda Bayne

*Money is Love, Barbara Wilder, 200706

Nature meditation:
Connecting with the tree of life

Feel the energy of the tree, as you mentally connect with the tree’s timeless presence – notice how you feel this energy, and sense the qualities which are expressed in this energy, as it gently reaches out to you.

Feel the inner strength that is awakened within you as you become aware of how the tree reaches out to all life, yet how the tree is strong in its own core self; knowing all is well. The tree represents inner strength, vitality and wisdom.

The tree is grounded in the Earth, and is connected to the Earth’s universal wisdom, simultaneously. Feel the strength of your own core being – strong in your presence, allowing yourself to be, as you are.

Feel yourself connect to the earth’s wisdom, yet also embracing life. Visualize how the branches reach out to embrace the Universe with the expectancy that life is supporting and sustaining and nurturing.

Feel yourself embrace life, knowing that you are a beloved child of the universe, which is always benevolent, reaching out to you always and supporting all your needs. Now affirm with intention:

“My being is my sustenance.”

Draw in this abundance, this sustenance, into your very core; knowing that it sustains you always, and that you are very safe and supported. This abundance of life will energize you.

Feel the strength of your centre, as the Universe reaches out to you, and open your heart to receive these limitless blessings.

Marie Weston

A positive healing path

In reply to Vanessa’s letter ‘Live and enjoy it all’ (Cygnus Review, March 2012), I would firstly like to say how wonderful it is to hear of her healing journey. Sometimes when we lead a balanced and healthy life it is a shock when we get unwell, but of course this is what happened to Brandon Bays [see The Journey, 090801].

What was so important was how Vanessa said she realised she was in control. This is paramount to a positive healing path. Become informed, read and ask. You are not a statistic but an individual and need to find your way through the dis-ease. You will find a wealth of material, but my personal favourite is Dr Bernie Siegel’s guidance in improving the immune system*. He truly stimulates your understanding of your illness, and gives wonderfully practical ways of dealing with it through discussion, visualisation and choices.

Truly inspiring! The main thing is for each person to realise that, whether it is a cold or something more serious, they can listen to what the illness is telling them, draw together the possible medical, surgical and complementary support and make healthy choices. Remember, healing may not be a cure but a cure may not contain any healing. Well done Vanessa, and good health to all.

Natalie Holford

*Meditations for Enhancing Your Immune System CD, D190316 and Love, Medicine and Miracles, 080223

In this moment

You are now free of bondage from the past,

All ifs, ands and buts, woulds and shoulds

Maybes and what-might-have-beens


In this moment

You are free

And always will be


The choice is yours

The power with you


Choose wisely

With your highest knowing


Always turning to the Light

Always calling the Soul

Crystal Voyle

Springtime blessings

I dreamed of Spring,

of earth and dew,

of places warm and skies of blue.


As Winter makes its solemn bow,

I think of you, I think of how,

our love began and where we’ve been,

of people met and places seen.


I watch our children,

fair and young,

and pray for songs yet to be sung.

Songs of joy, of hope and light,

that fill our lives and shine so bright.


As trees reveal their blossom new,

I think of love, I think of you.

God Bless. Charlotte Wakefield

Ask and You Will Receive

After reading Lorna Byrne’s Prayer of Thy Healing Angels which was given to her by Archangel Michael, I was prompted to tell you a story of my own.

Health issues and the spiritual path are inter-linked because, as you progress, your vibration begins to rise and any area of the body which is not in good health begins to manifest symptoms as it attempts to heal itself and ‘keep up.’

In the early stages of my journey, I had so many health issues that one day I said to Archangel Michael, ‘I’m really struggling here. I don’t suppose you could spare me a healing angel to stay with me and continu- ously provide healing until things improve?’ I then forgot all about this.

I am a healer now but I also trained in mediumship for a while. About two years after my request, I was sitting in circle when one of the participants, Barbara, said, ‘I can see something near Sean. It’s blue, about eighteen inches across, shimmering and it ‘belongs’ to Sean.’ The medium, Tony, then said, matter-of-factly, ‘Yes, that’s Sean’s healing angel. I’ve noticed that whenever Sean comes for healing, he always brings his own healing angel with him.’

I was quite astonished by this and so af- terwards asked the medium about it. ‘Well, you must have asked for it!’, he said – but it wasn’t until a day later that I remembered my original request.

Ask and you will receive.

Sean Scott


If we treat every moment like it is a precious gem of treasured inheritance
No power will defeat us.
If we embrace our loved ones’ heart in the 
deepest, purest chamber
The Angels wings will carry the tainted, twisted 
And bury it forever, with the demons’ desire to 
Nothing other than beauty will flourish
We will triumph over adversity
With our hearts’ desire to love forever,
As the Angels’ light soothes our psyche.

Peace, Love and Light, Lorna Cameron

A Coastal Meditation

I cannot get enough of this Heaven here on earth. Truly heaven is within us all, always – if we choose to see it. This daily walk a meditation; my feet firmly on the ground, my heart and mind in Heaven! The sound of waves, the song of birds, the presence of un- seen things; aware of oneness, of truly Being. Is it the wind caressing the high cliffs, I hear? Or is it the echo of the wave-struck shore?

A picture framed at every turn – kaleidoscope of beauty ever changing. The distant coast appears out of the early morning mist, the sky so blue for such an early start. Above my head, bright white against the brilliant blue, gulls compete for air space with black- winged crows. Their squabbling fills the air. Their warmed-up wings carrying them now in aerial dance, worthy of any ballerina.

The presence of something other-worldly is in the very framework of the land around. My walk becomes a meditation, a time for resolution, or for planning; a healing space, connected to the earth, at one with all that is. The path ahead glistens with sunlight. I know I am safe.

And when we are gone – in body’s form – our vibration in the very rocks remains.

Fran Gardner

Off the Rails

Time’s harness presses heavily upon me.
I long to be free from its constraint.

Step sideways, step sideways a little,
Step a little sideways off the track of time
Into the green field at the railway’s edge.
Sit in the green field, still, out of time,
And watch the trains go by.

My green field, my piece of timelessness,
My timeless peace: I can sit here now,
Or part of me can sit here always,
Even while the temporal me

Is hurrying along the rails of time.

Margaret Westell

The Winds of Change

The winds of change bring the coming of the seasons. As with all things, so life ebbs and flows with the fullness of time.

The Great Spirit in his wisdom created all things, so it is with the ending of such things: only the Great Spirit has the right to take away these things, if he chooses in his infinite wisdom. The mind is but a tool of the spirit, with which he can communicate to enable him to live on the physical level. However, the craftsman is far greater in wisdom than the tool that is created by him.

To conquer one’s fear, the first lesson in overcoming that fear is to learn how to conquer oneself, for we are our own enemies. In achieving this goal, so the true spirit shall enable itself to fully realise its potential. Even you who exist on the physical level are true spirit. We are all intertwined with one another. The separa- tion of our worlds is but a false reality. In truth we are at one with all things.

Morning Star, Richard Marshall


A sunny October day. Surprised, I catch
Ethereal perfume on the breeze.
But there are no flowers of showy hue,
or whispering leaves upon the trees.
That elusive scent! At last I spy
A twisted vine, so gaunt and tall.
Honeysuckle! That last echo of Summer,
Blowing farewell kisses o’er the garden wall.


In Your Nakedness

In your nakedness is your strength,
In your bleakness is your courage,
In the cold is your challenge.
A fire burns within.
Seek it out and feed it with your love.
It will grow and peace, calm and healing 
will be yours.

Rosie Collins


We meet – we touch
We part – we touch
We love – we touch
Touching is an art
It is a movement
From the heart
Some are easy to touch
Some are hard to touch
There is a touch for healing
A touch when tears are flowing
We are touched
When a stranger is kind
It’s a sad person
Who can live
Without being touched
It’s a feeling
It’s a calling
It can keep us alive

Audrey Petersen

Star Letter for February:
In Gratitude

Dear Cygnus family
On Dec 31st 2008 I was diagnosed with breast cancer. 2009 was spent having a lumpectomy, followed chemotherapy then radiotherapy. This was very hard for me, especially after working as a teacher and practitioner of complementary therapies for 25 years and using only natural therapies and remedies for my own health issues. But I came through, grateful for the wonderful support of family and friends and ultimately never doubting for one moment that my Angels, Guides and Teachers were with me all the way.

At the end of 2009 I was guided to write this prayer/invocation which I’d like to share with you all. Speaking it aloud or singing it is very empowering and has helped me immeasurably to regain energy, strength, confidence, and great vitality:

Divine Director please enter my day
And let it work out in a wonderful way
Divine Director please enter my day
Chasing the shadows and darkness away
Please enter my heart and enter my mind
Help me leave doubt and worry behind
Let me find happiness, let me find peace
Let all my fear and sadness cease
I open to receive your love
Flowing freely from above
I place myself within your light
Where all is healed and all comes right
Filled with grace I know I am free
To live my life abundantly

I am so grateful for all that I have experienced, and for the positive shifts and changes that are now coming into my life.

In gratitude, and with love and blessings,

Ronnie Williams

Can you?

Can you know the joy I feel
The joy running through my being
Pervading through my innermost core
sending signals for my spirit to soar
Can you know how lucky I feel
to have a beautiful home, a hearty meal
To see the sun rise, to be alive
To know a hidden power resides deep inside
Can you?
Can you know that all is changing
We’re moving on and all are ageing
Can you sit and be to reveal inner harmony
Can you sit and be to resolve life’s complexities.
Can you?

Nickie Hart

Create an Energy Mat

Dear Friends

When the weather was damp, so was my friend’s ground-floor flat. In the colder months her first job every morning was to evict the numerous overnight squatters – slugs, snails, worms, spiders, earwigs, woodlice, centipedes and silverfish.
Then I read a channelling from Archangel Michael, concerning our unused potential, which included the following:

‘You could create an energy matting to cover the areas where there has been flooding, so that the dirt will not swirl into these places, causing more chaos. You could visualize the buildings being reinforced with energy walls, floors and roofs, making them more secure.’

Wow! Really? Our thoughts could keep the dirt out?! Surely it could also work with living creatures? So I experimented by visualizing an energy matting all around the inside of my friend’s flat, with the intention of keeping the creepy-crawlies out. I didn’t tell her about this until she told me that the slugs and snails were no longer coming in. The others were persistent, though, so I tried visualizing stronger, thicker, denser matting. It worked! My friend topped it up herself from time to time, but there were no more creepy-crawlies in the flat – despite the cold, wet, weather.

Another tool to add to our belts!

Love and light, Helen Bevan

A New Day is Born

The gentle sound of water pacifies a tired mind
As the sun’s ebbing light fades into someone else’s dawn
Dreams become reality as the cloak of night descends once more
Angels dance on the myths of time
The spirit world seeks new disciples
Believers in a bright tomorrow
Now is for darkness, silence and security
For when light is upon us once more
A new day is born

By I.R, sent in by Marion McLennan

Transforming Winter

My being aches with its tearing apart
by Winter’s coldness
its seeds to sow
I resist, then open out to its insistence,
cold fingers of transforming glory
seek my heart,
Winter’s music echoes low
transforms with touch last year’s promises
into the shape of things to come, and be,
held in the New Year of golden vision
lifting you, and lifting me.
Resistance futile, past is over,
paths erased, their splendour gone
to a place I cannot fathom
safe from cold and Winter storm.
Yet again will rise the vision,
new its birth
and old its form,
in the heart of transmutation,
hope and glory are reborn.

Rosalie J Taylor-Veale

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