Star Letter: Inspiration
One day in my garden I was kneeling, weeding between two rows of flowering broad beans. They were scented. Suddenly it came to me – I knew the plants were glad to be weeded and allowed to grow unencumbered. I realised they were thanking me. This was my moment of inspiration. It was as though a vision had appeared, colouring my ordinary grey life. Since that moment, when I knew I could communicate, that anyone can communicate, with every plant around, I have become aware, more and more with every day. I have embraced trees and found love and reassurance. I have joined in their joy at spring when sun and warmth finally come and their shoots stretch out and open, the flowers’ delight as they bloom and hold a party for all the insects, and I have felt their shrug of resignation at the inevitable fall of autumn when quietly or with a final burst of glory they give way to frost and the bare monastery of winter. To commune with plants all I, or anyone, have to do is stop, and listen. It’s about being still, and listening to their call. I sit beside them, quietly, and let sensations and awareness I am usually too busy to be aware of float over and into me, and then, I see their souls. And so, in my tiny garden, I am never alone.
Sarah Coles
Dear Cygnus,
A while ago you asked if it was of interest to continue receiving the paper copy of the Cygnus Review.
Well I want to thank you for sending it to me in Spain. It helped save my life. I had just received March issue 3 when I was taken ill.
I lost all feeling from my neck down and was taken to University Hospital, Malaga. I was very scared and the Doctors had no idea what was wrong.
While lying in the bed I recalled the letter from Ann and Geoff. I have not been in the habit of saying affirmations but the words” All is Well. Everything is working out for my highest good. Out of this situation only good will come. I am safe.” came to mind. I said this over and over again and after many tests the Doctors found that
I had C.I.D.P. Lewis Sumner Syndrome a very rare disease. It is now under control and I have movement back. Thank you so much for sending me the Review.
God Bless to all the Team. Keep up the good work.
Love Light and Happiness
Let Go
Your leaves are falling drifting and
floating to the ground…
Let go my sweet tree and
shed your golden shroud.
The time has come to renew and regrow…
have a peaceful sleep
through the winter snow.
When you awaken again in next year’s spring…
let your green heart burst forth
and your new buds sing.
The eternal cycle of nature’s birth and death
together we live on beyond our last breath
Steven Hogg
The Searchers
Many the pathways a man must walk
As he seeks for a home for his soul,
And many the signposts pointing the way
Which beckon persuade and cajole.
Tho’ the road may be winding the weary and long
And the guiding stars may grow dim,
A man who is looking for God can be sure
That God will be looking for him.
And it matters not the means by which
The circle is made complete,
When the time is right, in Eternity’s sight
The searchers will surely meet.
Patricia Sturgeon