How often do you look up? I looked up properly, for the first time in a long time, while I was at Tintern Abbey recently. The sacred architecture of the medieval building was clearly designed to draw the eye upwards and our awareness towards the heavens and the divine – the result of which was an eased mind, a lifted mood and a sense of faith restored in an instant.
Keep your head up, keep your heart strong
It almost seems that modern life is designed to keep us looking down – to deter a life of devotion. What is this great temptation that steals the attention of so many of us and sets it steadfast to our mobile phones, to the t.v., the shelves, the rails and the ‘special sales’? I think we’re all looking for something but the more heavy life gets around us, the more we’ve forgotten where to look. I guess we’re here to remind each other of these things, so I invite you to try looking up more. We all have our own different beliefs but ultimately the good at the core of all faith systems is *‘further up, further in’ – unfaltering, unconditional and ready to fill our hearts with pure, transcendent love … isn’t that what we’re all truly looking for, at the end of the day?
Do you believe in angels?
Of course not everybody believes and there is a lot of scepticism and cynicism about angels, despite people from all over the world, from different religious backgrounds claiming to have seen them. The belief of an angelic presence out dates the Book of Genesis and the image of an angel with wings and a white robe; indeed different versions of these benevolent spirits span many world faiths and histories (e.g. the devas of Buddhism and Hinduism, daemons of ancient Greece and animal spirits of the Native Americans). The word angel comes from the Greek word ‘anglos’ meaning ‘messenger’ and a staggering amount of testimonies describe a presence of comfort and divine light. Are they here to give us the message that we are loved and protected? What do the angels mean to you? Do you believe?
If you’ve got 43 minutes to spare, this is a very interesting watch:
Calling all angels
Every moment is an opportunity to reach out for comfort and healing. The book ‘Angels’ Book of Promises’, by psychic author Billy Roberts, is a detailed guide to the angelic realm and how to connect with it. I’d like to share this valuable excerpt with you:
‘Although a connection can be established quite spontaneously with Angelic Beings, and occasionally without any great effort, it usually takes time and a great deal of patience before positive results can be achieved. Angels very often influence the circumstances of your life, as opposed to appearing to us or making their presence felt. Establishing a relationship with the Angelic Kingdom should not be done purely out of curiosity, or to simply see if you can do it. There should always be a valid reason, and an incorrect motive sends the wrong signal through the supersensual universe to the Angels’ Realms of Light.
This method of Angel communication is extremely effective and one that appeals to those who do not really have the time to go through the Angel meditation ritual (included earlier in the book), but do have the time to listen to music before retiring.
• Spend about forty minutes before retiring relaxing in an armchair listening to some soothing music. The music can be anything from a gentle piece of Baroque, such as Vivaldi or even Purcell, to some so-called ‘New Age’ meditation music. In fact, anything that encourages the mind and body to relax evokes nostalgic memories to surface in the consciousness.
• Whilst listening to the music, write something in your Angels’ Book of Promises. You do not have to write something you need help with; it can be a simple request for your Guardian Angels to make their presence felt, either in the form of a lucid dream, or perhaps in an ‘Astral-Sleep’ experience. The latter is an experience you have when you are asleep that you just know for certain has not been a dream.
• Write down your request on one page and on the other what you will do in return to show your appreciation. This can be simply a promise to say a special prayer, or even to light a candle in a show of respect and appreciation.
• Allow the music to wash over you, whilst you relax with your book resting gently on your lap. Allow your mind to take you on a nostalgic journey, perhaps back to the happier days of your childhood, slowly following your thoughts forward through the ears to the present moment. See how much you have changed, and then express your desire to have the Angels come close to you when you sleep, and even to take you on a spiritual journey of rejuvenation, learning and healing.
• Conclude this period with a simple prayer, asking for protection, strength and guidance throughout the night while you sleep, and through each day.
• If you prefer you can use the following example.
© Billy Roberts, Angels’ Book of Promises, 2012
Blessed Ones who dwell in the Higher Realms of Light, be vigilant as you watch over me all through the night; I pray that I might experience your touch whilst I sleep, and feel secure that you will my soul in safety keep, away from harm and a restless, fearful night, and ask that you always watch me from the Higher Realms of Light.
Loving angels instead
‘Divine love is as real as the heart that felt it’ – Louisa Mills
I like to end my articles with a song and I’ve found a gem this time. Try looking upwards and listening to this at the same time for a double dose of comfort (making sure you’re safely seated!) you’ll be full of smiles by the time the song is through!
One love,
*The words ‘further up, further in’ are the words of a Waterboys song title. ‘Keep your head up, keep your heart strong’
are also words taken from one of my favourite songs, this one being ‘Keep Your Head Up’ by Ben Howard.